hot yoga + barre

Welcome to MÖV

We’re so glad you’re here.

minneapolis, mn

Yoga mats rolled up in a hot yoga studio.

Learn about our class Styles

Formats for
every body

Whether you’re looking for a hot and sweaty flow, a calming candlelight class, or an upbeat barre sequence or FIT workout, we’ve got you covered. Not only do we offer more than 40 classes weekly, but you also get to choose from formats that are heated and unheated, shorter or longer time commitments, and taught with or without music. Because practicing at MÖV isn’t just about getting a workout – it’s about nourishing your mind, body, and sense of belonging.

Hot Yoga instructor in a yoga pose.

Ready to möv?

Check out our upcoming classes

Yoga instructors in motion.

Sweat With Us

Meet the humans who make möv so magical

We believe in the power of connection – not just between poses and breaths, but in the bonds we form within our community. And that starts with our teachers. When you practice with us, you’ll never be met with judgment or transactional interactions – just a welcoming and receptive studio team that’s here to support every body, no matter your background, or experience level.

Woman doing the downward facing dog yoga pose in a hot yoga studio.

Connection happens when we join one breath with another. When we link one posture to the next. When we feel like we belong somewhere.

Connection happens when we join one breath with another. When we link one posture to the next. When we feel like we belong somewhere.

Practice on your own terms with our flexible class options – from drop-ins to monthly membership, and everything in between.

Two men doing yoga.

Section Styles full-width

Ready, set, möv.

Take a look at our upcoming classes and reserve ahead of time to guarantee your spot in class.